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when your fave music is used on advertising!

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 4:53 pm
by fionnuala
im an advertising student and im doing my dissertation on how people feel when there favourite music is used on advertising, esp. rock, indie and alt!

does anyone one have any comments or any examples of when this has happened to them? does it change your perceptions of the product or the band, or would it make you not buy the product, or encourage you to buy more of it?


Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 5:16 pm
by Rob
I studied advertising too, so i see through it all now and never really buy a product on the basis of an advert. Though i still respond to good adverts. For example and in my opinion Honda in the last two years have taken over what Guinnes used to be able to do in creating top quality and orignal adverts. Which mainly for me improves their brand image.

In terms of my favourite bands being used on adverts i don't feel anything. However when there's a peice of music i've never heard before and it's good, i take note of the advert and want to catch it as much as possible. Then the added bonus is coming on here and someone telling you what it is, so i've ended up with a track list that hardly anyone else would have.

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 12:42 am
by aaron
Good question - I'd say that if it's an advert that appears regularly, it would rapidly put me off the song. A prime example of this was California Soul by Marlena Shaw, which featured heavily in KFC adverts a couple of years back. I loved that song having heard it on a mix CD, and hearing it dozens of times a day absolutely KILLED it for me!

My initial response is that it's great to hear the song, but then there's always a pang of regret that something has become so mainstream - particularly if the brand it is being used to promote somehow feels demeaning to the music...

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 1:02 am
by fionnuala
thanx for the comments, i want to know if it has ever turned somebody off a product, and how important is it if it is a product you dont like?

Please complete my poll, im going to use it for my results in my dissertation

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:14 am
by Rob
I would fill in the poll, but i neither feel great nor terrible. If there was an option for 'not bothered,' i'd fill it in.

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 9:21 pm
by toastie
Yup...Collapsed Lung - Eat My Goal, it was one of my fave tracks when i was a small kid, so when they used it on the coca cola footie adds i was...most happy! so much so mum was ordered to convert from Pepsi to Coke (i know i know)... it really did have that effect on me, dunno if it counts considering i was young and gullible, but if it helps I'm still loyal to the cause because of it. Good luck on your course, I'm doing media stuff too.


Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 7:39 pm
by Ed
Rob wrote:I would fill in the poll, but i neither feel great nor terrible. If there was an option for 'not bothered,' i'd fill it in.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 12:43 am
by fionnuala
i want to bump this, cause there has been over 200 views and only 4 have voted! the reason behind having a "not bothered" option is cause im only interested in people who care, come on more than 4 out of 200 most care one way or another !!!! :wink:

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 6:48 pm
by The Editor

It is a tricky question isn't it -- depends on whether the ad rocks too.

I'm with Aaron, not least for the fact that California Soul is a terrific tune. Bargain, by the Who (who I don't particularly like) is an amazing song, and was used badly... shame.

I can't vote! I'm on the fence.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 1:09 am
by ddd3
It does depend upon the band. Mostly I'm delighted because I tend to like stuff that other people either don't like or haven't even heard, but for some reason it annoys me when they use the Beatles because I know the Beatles don't approve.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 11:35 pm
by vmlemon
The old Ambrosia custard advert (with the retched singing), turned my Nana off buying Ambrosia custard forever :)

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:58 pm
by amangill1984
i personally hate it, especially when it comes from a supposidly "indie" band. Take Jack White for example, advertising Coca Cola. In the past, he would have not commited such a terrible act... but hey, he does that and his solo band is always on the freakin radio. Maybe he is onto something :?

oh... and dont get me started on Bono and the band, sorry the "brand" U2 as he likes to put it, and Apple.