The Apprentice Music - help it's driving me nuts

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The Apprentice Music - help it's driving me nuts

Post by Mr_Navigator »

:cry: There is a piece of tango style music that has been used in the BBC "The Apprentice" and I am unable to find it - i want to buy it but I dont know the name or the artist. I have looked at the FAQ on the BBC website but to no avail. The snippets of music are used in several of the episodes but in the final episode, just after Michelle (the winner) talks to Syed about being stressed (roughly one third way through) it starts. It begins with a quick plucked cello sound followed by an accordian and a shaker (music instruments) a five note bass line follows later before the talking starts to overpower the music. I have heard this music before and I think it has been used in adverts and possibly a film but I have no idea. Can anyone help? :cry:
