
Can you provide me with more information on each advert?
We spent a long time compiling additional information on both the storylines and key visual elements from the 2525 adverts that we currently feature. As you will appreciate, sourcing some of this data was quite tricky, and in many ways slowed down the database. To that end we abandoned the project to concentrate on the songs themselves!
Who is the Director, Cinematographer, Goblin, Speedboat Manufacturer?
As above, we would like to focus on the music for the time being. There is a great site that you can visit called The Reel where you can find out this information. After a trial period, you will have to pay their subscription fee though... Hmmm, that gives me an idea...
Hi, I write songs and want one put on an advert, could you please put me in touch with someone who will pay me for my song?
Why don't you feature audio clips?
As this site is not funded by corporate investment, we like (if possible) to keep our overheads to a minimum. In order for us to host audio clips here, we would have to pay a large(r) monthly bill to our serving company to support the additional bandwidth requirement. Instead, we urge you to visit Amazon.co.uk or the iTunes Music Store (available via the 'buy' links in the database), where they host high-quality audio clips for most of the songs.
Can you include cinema advertising?
There is a great deal of crossover between television and cinema advertising, and once we have successfully tested the best method of integrating the databases, we hope to introduce a sister site specifically dealing with cinema. You should expect to see a trial version running in early 2006.
Are you run by an advertising agency?
Good heavens no. We try to provide you with a life-enriching service.
Only joking... More coffee darling? Yeah hun, let's do sushi!

In some form or another, this is the most frequently asked question that we receive.
For each song that we list, you will find a link buy the specific song online at amazon.co.uk or at the iTunes Music Store.
For each purchase made from our site, we receive a small commission. This contribution helps us to improve on our existing service, speed and server capabilities, as well as providing you with a swift and efficient way of getting your grubby hands on those tunes.
As it could potentially endanger the long-term existence of our site, we do not endorse the use of file-sharing software. If you enjoy the site though, you can still link through for all of your other Amazon needs. |