
We always like to spread the word about Commercial Breaks and Beats, and as some of you out there have asked us to provide you with a way to link to us, we have done our best to oblige. In true CBAB style, we aim to make everything especially useful, and have knocked together a searchable aperture through which you can access our database from the comfort of your own site (shown below).
It is simple to incorporate it into your page. All you need to do is select the code below (in its entirety), copy it and paste it straight into the HTML. All of the images are held on our server, so you needn't worry about directory structures or bandwidth allowances.
<!-- Start of Banner -->
<table width="468" height="60" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td rowspan="3">
<img src="http://www.commercialbreaksandbeats.org/ads/tv/tv.gif" alt="" width="78" height="60" />
<td colspan="2">
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<td valign="middle">
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<form action="http://www.commercialbreaksandbeats.org/results.asp" method="get" name="search" id="search">
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<td height="36">
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<td height="36">
<input name="searchString" type="text" id="searchString" size="14" />
<td height="36">
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<td height="36">
<input name="go" type="image" src="http://www.commercialbreaksandbeats.org/ads/tv/go.gif" width="32" height="24" border="0" />
<td><img src="http://www.commercialbreaksandbeats.org/ads/tv/blackpx.gif" alt="" width="1" height="58" /></td>
<td colspan="2"><img src="http://www.commercialbreaksandbeats.org/ads/tv/blackpx.gif" alt="" width="390" height="1" /></td>
<!-- End of Banner -->

If you are linking to our site, it is important to let you know exactly who we link to in turn.
For each song that we list, you will find a link to further information on that artist and, wherever possible, a link to buy the specific song online. We are able to provide this service through an affiliate scheme with amazon.co.uk
For each purchase made from our site, we receive a small commission. This contribution helps us to improve on our existing service, speed and server capabilities, as well as providing you with a swift and efficient way of getting your grubby hands on those tunes.