2008-07-14: Question time… |
If you were to have sister sites to this site, what would they be? As the editor, I have some cracking ideas that have been fleshed out over many a pub drink. I'd like to put it forward to you that if there were a range of CBABs, what areas would you cover? Movie songs are a given… Go on, let us know - it has to be rarely found on the internet. A stamped addressed e-mail to the usual place please! |
2008-04-07: Smut patrol! |
In recent times, the Triple X factor of the messageboard has become far too much for some of the more blushing of you - and I'm not surprised. I think we've all learned what can happen when you get an enterprising gang with a laptop, a video camera and an eye for the cheap internet buck. We've disabled BB Code from the messageboard (sorry Keith) - I think it might 'make a massive difference'. |
2008-03-24: Jeezy Creezy |
Well - I'm loath to say Happy Easter to you all, as I know it will be Guy Fawkes day before I get back to you again. The 'team' [me] behind CBAB has taken some time out to have a baby and also to learn a great lesson in life. Okay - Maybe I took five months. No, no maybe. I did. In site news, I've just about caught up to the end of December on the forum…
I'm getting there! |
2007-10-19: General Round-up |
We've finally got around to doing a couple of things to the site, giving it a new lease of life for the winter. The new style will be rolled out over the next couple of weeks, hopefully alongside a more fancy new messageboard.
The main update from this end is that the team has grown by one member… it has been hard work training her to do the updates though. |
2007-08-14: Messageboard down-time |
Apologies for the lengthy delay in getting the messageboard fixed. There is a very simple explanation -- I've become a dad to a beautiful baby daughter, and not only has she taken up lots of time but she managed to completely make me forget to check that everything was working properly! Maybe that was the booze… anyway, just to let you know that the MB is back, so there's cause for a double-celebration. |
2007-04-22: Improved service! |
We hope you have all noticed a slight improvement in the updates… bah don't worry if you haven't - it is all largely notional anyway! Behind the scenes we are still working on the never-never re-design, tidying up some unanswered stuff, and are beginning to incorporate Myspace links as there are so many credits to unsigned musicians… as ever - stay tuned! |
2007-03-25: Delayed updates |
Apologies again for the infrequency in updates at the moment. Our lives at CBAB Central have been hectic with lots of things taking precedence. As ever we thank you for your continued interest and patience -- hopefully you understand that this is all run on a shoestring budget and that sometimes we've actually got to work for the man. If you have any great ideas for funding… please let us know!! |
2006-12-12: Happy New Year! |
A very happy new year to all of our users! The last year saw more adverts go into the database than any other, so our unreserved thanks go out to all of you that helped to make that happen -- most especially the messageboard crew.
In the new year we hope that the much vaunted overhaul shall actually take place. Until then, we hope that you stay with us and continue to enjoy the site! |
2006-07-25: Freshness |
So -- we are are re-designing the site in the background basing our findings on what you lot do via Google analytics. Basically, you look at this page, the Company page and the Chronological listings, so - excusing the 3000 grammatical rules I'm breaking in one sentence - what I thought would be a good idea would be to have brought The Most Recently Added Songs to the homepage. So here they are … |
2006-07-04: A new home! |
CBAB has moved! We are - as ever, still in sunny Charlton, but the site is now in America drinking mochachocafrappacinos and getting fat. So, what's the difference? Hopefully nothing to you, apart from a speedier service, no down-time at the end of every month, and a messageboard that can now burgeon to fill our new 21st century ginormous bandwidth allowance. Yep -- getting fat. |
2006-06-22: Keeping the house in order |
Here at CBAB towers, we have grown to love the messageboard very much. Unfortunately, we have grown to love it in the way that David Lynch loves the man behind the dumpster in Mulholland Drive.
It has grown so large that we need to delete dead topics. Instinctively we wouldn't do it, but practically - we have to! It is all backed up… I might let one of you go through it one day! :-) |
2006-04-14: A sound base… |
The messageboard has gone ballistic. We have appointed two new moderators. Please be kind, and deferential, to them both -- Rob and Mr. Jazzman -- they know what they are doing, and have shown diligence and engendered calm so far.
In other news, our email is back in order, but I don't reeaally want to tell the spammers that… |
2006-02-27: Getting there |
Thanks to a little bit of ingenuity and some creative time management, we have changed the approach behind the update process at CBAB, and hope that you find an appreciable difference!
The messageboard is still going strong, and we are recruiting moderators… tell us why you should be one! |
2006-02-12: So… what's going on? |
Yeah yeah yeah. I know… we are rubbish at updates, but you lot are incredible. The messageboard rules. According to google analytics, it is being used very heavily. That's cool, as it is the true heart of the site. We are still working on our sister site -- which is like a musical Area 51 -- so apologies for our non-interference here! |
2006-01-20: Happy new year! |
Happy new year to all of you…
With it comes a bumper update to the database that should push us over the 2,200 mark. We are very impressed with the number of people signing up to the messageboard -- and and some further refinements are being made to that, and across the site, now that we are back refreshed from our holidays! |
2005-12-21: Festive cheer |
The site undertaken a major backend re-development of late -- that's your Christmas prezzie! The Forum has been rushed together, but everything else bang-on. The editorial team are away for Christmas this year, but as the internet is extremely cool you can look after us by keeping the Forum up-to-date. Your contibutions keep us going in every way! |
2005-12-11: Service update |
Our new messageboard is ticking along nicely - many thanks to all of you for bearing with us. All of the information from the last incarnation of the messageboard has been added to the database. Now you can search, e-mail, chat... everything you would expect from a half-decent forum! |
2005-11-30: Good grief |
The first News post in nine months… I'm sorry!
Having returned from various visits abroad, I'm back and ready to mould this site back into industry-standard shape. There is a new Messageboard which will begin to take (and change) shape over the next couple of weeks and we have lots of fresh ideas for the site. As always, we love any contributions. In a couple of weeks, anything that you send through or post to the Forum that is added to the DB will be credited to you… so keep them coming! |
2005-02-24: Forum Spring Cleaning |
As the forum had been getting rather bulky, and CBAB are going to be pushing towards keeping the database itself more up-to-date in 2005, we have decided to prune it.We have made sure that any information that was there has been reflected in the database itself and removed any posts prior to 2005. |
2005-01-05: Happy New Year! |
Just a quick note to wish you all a fantastic 2005, and to let you know that we ourselves have now upgraded. I hope you enjoy the extra speed and functionality that will follow on as part of this expansion! |
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