
Now - I'm confused. Which ones eat the Yorkies? Does the Caramac Rabbit get caught in the headlights? Do Smarties have the answer? Will the man from Milk Tray throw himself in the path of the Ambassador who won't stop spoiling us? Bah, who cares? It's Queen!!
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The new Astra Panoramic advert encourages us to open our eyes to a new way of driving. I can't help but think that maybe it would be better to create a car that showed more of the road rather than everything else. Oh well, call me a renegade thinker…
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It used to be called Carling Black Label - I don't know what happened there, but we've had decent ads from them ever since, so I can't complain. God only knows what they are doing now because I think that this one is a shocker, but you lot love it…
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'Tis the season to be jolly - and where better to buy everyone a Christmas present than from Boots. Auntie Nora can finally get her varicose vein stockings and young Beyonce can have a Shapers sarnie and some lipgloss. This tune is a cracker…
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This ad tears strips off of anything we have seen for a long time… Miller have gone potty with the CGI and created something we can all aspire to when we're frazzled. Personally I just pop down to the Carlisle Arms in Soho at lunchtime. Fancy a pint?
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World Cup Fever pt. 2! This week's focus: France. Such a powerhouse of grace and defensive technique, Zinedine Zidane -- say what you like about him, he's last in the phonebook. *Update* If he's allowed in the phonebook, that is…
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World Cup Fever is upon us -- once again, we are set to see some of the planet's greatest footballing skills prostituted in the name of commercialism. From here on I will profile our greatest rivals -- starting with Goofy…
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From Dagenham to Soho, robots are synonymous with Ford cars. Okay, you've got me -- that is complete rubbish. A return for I Monster - however - is not. We are all surprised that this great tune doesn't feature in ads more often…
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Since Adam and Eve, never has an apple looked so tempting. Strange that, as advertising has tried to carry that kind of clout since the year dot. My Granny Smith never smelt this good.
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"A load of balls" and "going downhill in a haphazard sort of way" are both accusations that have been levelled at this website. The super-chilled Sony Bravia ad is not quite so easy to pick holes in…
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I don't know how much you would have to pay in Congestion Charges if you drove one of these, or even how much petrol you were meant to put in it, but Peugeot have come up with a big tune for a big car…
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The Editor, having finally returned from exile in San Francisco, couldn't help but notice that everyone in America is wearing one of these. Don't worry … they'll be here soon, even if it is just to take our oil.
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This Citroen C4 seems to have a bit of spare time on it's hands. Hmmm… Maybe it could help out with the updates, give me a 'break' (oof) and 'transform' the site (oucha). Sorry this one took so long everybody!
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Waking up sleepily and slowly making our way back to reality… sounds a bit like The Editor of Commercial Breaks and Beats doesn't it?! This ad is by far and away the best one we have seen for a long time…
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Amon Tobin (and absolutely everyone else on the Ninjatune label) are a driving force behind CBAB, and we're glad to see the people at BMW are finally catching up with us… This album rules.
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We know how this guy feels. Orange face, a beer belly, unruly 'tache… not to mention the dodgy dance moves. Apologies for the lack of 'weekly' features recently… We have now returned!
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At CBAB we like to think that there is something of the extra-sensory about us. To our eyes, this ad looks a gem, and this tune rocks so much that it feels Fizzy In Our Mouths. Maybe that's the rabies though.
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As 2004 is upon us, here is an ad that typifies everything that CBAB want to be over the coming year. Predominantly naked, surrounded by bottles of spirits… and doing anything we can to please the laydees!
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Hoorah… We are back from a small break with a huge update!
As the night’s draw in, and the confused wildlife drop their conkers, leaves and nests, we find that you have all been loving this…
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I love London. Not because there is a rat within a yard of me at all times, although that does have a certain charm. I love it because where I live, it does actually sound like this advert!
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