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2004-10-15: The U.S. of A.
I (the editor) am going to be living in San Francisco for three months, but I hope to be able to update the site from there… not with their ads of course. I'll bring you all back some Eggnog.

2004-10-07: Nuts!
We have been featured in NUTS magazine!

2004-07-20: Tweaks & Additions
Hi all. Just to let you know that we are still experiencing ongoing problems with the messageboard. It doesn't seem to affect all of you, so best part of it has been left up and running.

The chart has been updated to reflect all of our most popular recent queries. This will now be updated every quarter (as it actually doesn't change very much!)

2004-04-19: Pruning…
Just a quick update to let you know that we are running a test on our bandwidth allocations, so if you miss the detail pages (with artist information) -- Just drop us a line to let us know!

2004-01-15: Ouch…
Before I delve into exactly why we have had nearly a week’s worth of down-time, I would like to thank all of you who sent in e-mails asking when we were likely to return. It is great to know that we are appreciated!

For many of you it won’t be very interesting so I will keep it short!
Last week our previous hosts decided that CB&B uses far too much bandwidth, and moved us over to a Linux hosting package that doesn’t support the database type that we use. Nice eh! This meant that the site had to be moved to a new provider and had been re-built using DSN-less connections. No, please don’t go to sleep just yet -- it does gets better!

The good news (for us, not you) is that we had already had it in mind to make the site XHTML compliant with a view to increase site performance, cut down on some of that bandwidth and to build a foundation for more recent technologies to be incorporated in the future. That has now been done.

The bad news (for you, not us) is that we still have a little bit work to do before we have the Messageboard and the Song Suggestion page up and running, but as we are totally shallow and more interested in picking up our Yahoo! Award tomorrow that what any of you have to say, we thought we would leave it for a bit… (only joking!)

Apologies go out again to all of you who were kept waiting. We will keep you posted as to when the Messageboard will re-appear!

2004-01-06: Less is more…
Now that the database is approaching 2000 entries, we noticed that some of the words included in the Artist Descriptions have been skewing a lot of the search results. We have altered the QuickSearch function (at the top) accordingly so that it doesn’t include this unwanted ‘noise’… hope that helps!

2004-01-05: Happy New Year!
Hopefully your New Year celebrations haven’t taken their toll too much. We have found out today that we won the Yahoo Find Of The Year Award 2003 under their Mission Impossible category. That makes us very happy indeed! We shall keep you posted as to how large the engraved glass prism is…

2003-10-20: Autumn return!
Since July, we have been busy incorporating a good few behind-the-scenes tweaks to the running of the site, and have been seeing lots of men about lots of dogs. The site has today had an enormous update and is slap-bang up-to-date! Good to be back…

2003-07-30: Back on track!
Apologies to any of you who have noticed that the updates have been few over the last month. We have had a lovely great big holiday, and are now refreshed and eager to take on the challenge of another 1700 ads! Bring ’em on…

2003-05-03: Guardian Angels
Thanks to The Guardian for featuring us in their hugely popular Guide supplement!

2003-05-01: Oh happy day!
As a nice little treat for it’s 1st birthday, the site has undergone slight cosmetic surgery (or something like that)!

2003-04-30: Location Location Location…
Commercial Breaks and Beats has re-located to the big city. It is now appropriately situated under the Crystal Palace Transmitter!

2003-02-24: Technical Amendment…
Regrettably, the Search facility was removed from the messageboard after it mysteriously stopped working… we are currently investigating and will keep you posted!

2002-11-30: Roundup…
Updates to the site have been steadily pushing us closer to the 1600 milestone, which we hope to pass in the next week. Aside from that, the site has generated a good deal of interest from a wide range of people, ranging from ‘featured site’ in the magazine Jockeyslut to a mail from the writer of the theme tune to ‘The Littlest Hobo’! Keep them coming…

2002-09-08: Praise indeed!
Thanks to FHM for featuring us as one of the World’s 100 Greatest Sites.

2002-08-17: The New Messageboard
The new message board has gone live today!

We hope that it will generate as much interest and content for the site as its predecessor. Amongst the new features are extra sign in options, secure data storage (stopping people from spamming you), smilies (!), a search facility and the opportunity for you to mail people securely direct from the site.

2002-07-30: The Messageboard
The messageboard stands as testimony to the amount of all the work you do to keep the site fresh. Having under-estimated the amount of interest it would generate, we had originally decided to keep it simple, but worry no more… The new messageboard has just reached the beta stage of development and it will be with you shortly. The latest version features dynamic login and updates, sticky topics and much much more. Stay tuned!

2002-07-21: Site of the week (Part Three…)
This week CBAB made FHM’s Big Eye On The Web. Nice one FHM!

2002-07-17: Affiliate of the week…
This week, we are Amazon’s affiliate of the week. That’s another one to go in my .gif cabinet…

Behind the scenes we are putting together a very fancy new messageboard, which boasts a great deal of extra functionality. It should be with you in a couple of weeks. The site has also changed hosting server, so hopefully you will all be enjoying a slightly more robust CBAB!

2002-07-03: Commercial Dates and Tweaks
The date categorisation has been adjusted a bit more, which should give you all some more accuracy on your date searches (The 11th highest search is for ‘2002’). More imporantly, where we once featured ‘The Beatles’, we now feature ‘Beatles, The’ - this means that you won’t have to wade through all those ‘The’s’ in the ‘T’ section. Enough apostophes for you in that sentence?

Page 2 of 4 (62 results total).
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